Enlarged, widened areolas

Medical studies have shown that the ideal diameter of the areola should be in the region of 4.7 cm (for an average height woman)
In many people the areola can be wider than this. If this is the case, you may be suitable for an areola reduction, aimed at reducing the diameter back to in the region of 4.7 cm
The ideal diameter of the areola does vary according to the appearance of your underlying bust and needs to look in proportion
Domed or raised areolas

Some people develop a raised or domed areola due to forward movement of the breast tissue pushing the areola forwards
This can be associated with conditions such as tuberous or tubular breast abnormality
This condition is normally treated with reduction of the underlying breast tissue and reduction in the size of the areola
Non-circular areolas

Ideally the areola should be circular in shape but in some cases it can be slightly oval
Areola reduction is often performed to reduce the diameter of the areola and also make it more circular
Abnormalities in the surface of the areola

Some people notice a variation in colour of the areola or possibly small nodules which can appear on the areola surface as small glands
These small glands can be reduced by further surgery to remove them