Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001名無し編集部員2014/05/26(月) 02:38:25.97ID:oXLbcffr
このスレは、ピンクちゃんねる技術者改め2ch新技術者のCode Monkeyさんと英語でお話しようスレです

Code Monkey-san cap,trip handles;
Code Monkey★

Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.3
0221 ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/06/24(火) 14:36:55.09ID:doP8tv+M
Thank you for change!

bbynews provides a headline of plus news boards' threads by CAP reporters. On the other hand, bbyanews will provide a headline of non-plus news boards' threads by anonymous or BE reporters.
Not a few users of plus boards tend to dislike anonymous news boards' threads. So we can't mix them into one headline.
(Maybe the name "anews" is a confusing. I can not think of the right word.)
0223Code Monkey ★2014/06/26(木) 22:17:04.63ID:???
Livedoor has a contract with Nishimura, so they will continue to use SC as their cited source.
Please complain to Livedoor if you do not like their business practices.

I need to finish the new backend architecture before I can spend more time on measures against spiders.
I am working on the new architecture every day. It is a big project and requires more time before it is finished.
0226名無し編集部員2014/06/27(金) 05:04:03.42ID:zSNWXh6q
0227 ◆GJolKKvjNA 2014/06/27(金) 05:10:38.61ID:znsMZhzA
0228名無し編集部員2014/06/27(金) 07:13:01.27ID:zSNWXh6q


0229名無し編集部員2014/06/27(金) 07:25:00.16ID:a+Wj6qqL
0230名無し編集部員2014/06/27(金) 07:29:05.17ID:zSNWXh6q
0231名無し編集部員2014/06/27(金) 07:44:46.58ID:R191fnPZ
0232名無し編集部員2014/06/27(金) 08:28:34.59ID:zSNWXh6q

0233名無し編集部員2014/06/27(金) 08:40:47.66ID:Obdpo+eP

>927 名無しさんだよもん 2014/06/27(金) 08:09:20.03 ID:kAzoPcSmO

0234名無し編集部員2014/06/27(金) 08:59:32.63ID:zSNWXh6q
0236名無し編集部員2014/06/27(金) 09:17:42.43ID:zSNWXh6q
0237名無し編集部員2014/06/27(金) 09:41:18.35ID:CATXUgMq
0238葉鍵板住人2014/06/27(金) 09:58:24.85ID:/xc1edyS
0240Jack ★2014/06/27(金) 10:16:39.83ID:???
>>Code Monkey-san
>>224The application place is good to do to the following places of PINK.
If it applies at the place, I will judge. I want you to trust me.

■PINKの設定等変更依頼総合スレ 3
0241C ◆Odemonkey. 2014/06/27(金) 16:15:39.29ID:U3mAcGmy!
Please ask Jack-san for that. I cannot change settings for leafkey.

I trust you. I have no intentions to change any settings on bbspink.
0242名無し編集部員2014/06/27(金) 16:58:46.94ID:liOH0ykv

2ch . sc の資金源とされているホットリンク社への対策は検討なさっているのでしょうか?
0243名無し編集部員2014/06/27(金) 17:02:53.87ID:/AMpxrdM
Dear Code-Monkey san,

This is request about 2ch.net; would you please add "snsplus" board to headline(bbynews)?
This new board has many news appropriate for headline
but unfortunately too unpopulated!

Thank you.
0245Jack ★2014/06/27(金) 21:47:04.51ID:???
Thank you for your wise understanding.
Salamat poh
0247名無し編集部員2014/06/28(土) 12:46:03.57ID:E2CKj9NQ
0248Code Monkey ★2014/06/28(土) 17:48:35.81ID:???
SNSplus should already be on headline. Ill check it now and add it if its not on there already.

Okay I made that change.
I leaked that trip on purpose. I was testing my tripcode generation software.
0249 ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/06/28(土) 18:05:32.18ID:IThBZMX9
Thank you for your hard work!
Now I see the light about tripcode.
0250名無し編集部員2014/06/28(土) 18:56:41.44ID:rv4PNiw/
> SNSplus should already be on headline. Ill check it now and add it if its not on there already.
Thank you!
I'm afraid it's not on there yet,
since the latest thread dated 6/28 16:53 does not appear.

【芸能】本番前にひとりでずっとずっとバランスボールに乗っているaikoさん(画像あり) | 公式Twitter [6/28]
1 :かじりむし★@転載は禁止:2014/06/28(土) 16:53:54.95 ID:???0

2014/06/28 16:58:50 【W杯/日本代表】イタリアですでに「終わった監督」扱いだったザック ワシが育てたで再就職活動
2014/06/28 16:56:20 【いきもの】海の厄介者オニヒトデ、堆肥になって陸で活躍(画像あり)
2014/06/28 16:52:17 【プロレス】KENTA、WWE入団内定
2014/06/28 16:38:15 【政治】安倍政権、韓国人売春婦を締め出しか・・・ワーキングホリデー制度悪用者を相次ぎ強制送還

16:58 [芸+]【W杯/日本代表】イタリアですでに「終わった監督」扱いだったザック ワシが育てたで再就職活動
16:56 [美+]【いきもの】海の厄介者オニヒトデ、堆肥になって陸で活躍(画像あり)
16:52 [芸+]【プロレス】KENTA、WWE入団内定
16:38 [速+]【政治】安倍政権、韓国人売春婦を締め出しか・・・ワーキングホリデー制度悪用者を相次ぎ強制送還
0251名無し編集部員2014/06/28(土) 18:59:23.38ID:rv4PNiw/
By the way, it would be great if bbynews can have board display such as [速+], just like ula.cc.
(sorry for my greediness!)
0252Code Monkey ★2014/06/29(日) 13:55:53.76ID:???
Oh! Sorry that was a bug. It is fixed now.

Good idea!
0253/名無しさん[1-30] ◆.htmlXG20g 2014/06/29(日) 15:23:51.36ID:CtvJ+hN8
It is a freeze request and "Be Profile" takedown of "Be Account".

Please remove Be Profile of the "199514802".
Please to freeze the Account of the User.
This User has a way to expose malicious Be Profile phone number.
This is important deleted.

This User has to 2chBBS Post Comment malicious phone number.
There is also a delete request.

in Japanese.


「Be Profile」の「 199514802 」を削除してください。
電話番号をBe Profileに悪意のある晒し方をしています。


# NOTE : 外部Siteのdetail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jpにもPostしていますが、削除されています。
http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1381185881/748-752 から来ました。
# ぐぐる蒟蒻通じるかしらん
0254名無し編集部員2014/06/29(日) 15:35:24.91ID:qIuOkSi+
Megacool! You can come over to my house and fuck my sister.
0257 ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/06/30(月) 09:11:42.79ID:NjTWMrWr
Good morning, Code Monkey-san,
Thanks to you, a noname-name re-vote of hunter board was completed at last in security.
Then please apply this setting to hunter board.

BTW, improved bbynews seems working well. I heared number of posting on snsplus board was increased after added to bbynews.
0258Code Monkey ★2014/06/30(月) 14:16:47.19ID:???
What is that? I dont understand.

I have changed the noname_name for you.

I am glad that snsplus users are having fun.
0259 ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/06/30(月) 14:39:54.40ID:NjTWMrWr
I appreciate your kindness!
The preparations for hunter board have completed here.

Well. >>256 may suggest that bbynews' abbreviation would be colored.
<font color="red">[芸+]</font>
<font color="bue">[速+]</font>
like this?

Thanks always.
0260Code Monkey ★2014/06/30(月) 23:47:50.42ID:???
Thats interesting. Good idea.

Should I just pick any color, or are some boards requesting a specific color?
0261 ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/06/30(月) 23:58:34.59ID:NjTWMrWr
Thank you for your reply.
Please pick some color.
I coundn't find requesting to specific color from >>256 related posts.
And I don't know a lot about plus boards.
If colored bbynews seems better, we'll select color for bbygame also.
Good night.
0262名無し編集部員2014/07/01(火) 20:29:22.01ID:xfiJp7uR
code monkey-san please respond to delete request.
0263名無し編集部員2014/07/01(火) 20:57:39.64ID:46o0Veki
The board display [速+] of bbynews seems to disappear... is it temporary? (´・ω・`)
0264名無し編集部員2014/07/01(火) 21:31:47.06ID:46o0Veki
it was temporary, and is back with colours!
sorry for bothering you.

yellow of [痛+] in white BG is hard to see. 目が痛い+
0266名無し編集部員2014/07/01(火) 22:16:21.20ID:Rla2dNwM
Good evening, Code Monkey-san.

We are spiritual board.
Please apply this head.txt.


(head.txt for spiritual board)

<b><font color="#ff0000">心霊的・超自然的な意味での精神世界</font></b>に関する話題を扱う板です<br><br>
・ 運気アップのジンクスや感想<br>
・ 心霊的な意味でのヒーリング<br>
・ パワーストーンなどの開運グッズ<br>
・ パワースポットの話題<br>
・ スピリチュアリズムやニューエイジ思想といった、超自然的な意味での精神世界<br>
・ 書き込むことで願望成就を目指す、おまじない・お祈り・願い事などを目的としたスレ<br><br>
・ UFO、UMA、超科学、超古代史 など ⇒ オカルト板<br>
・ 医学的な意味での精神世界 ⇒ 心理学板、メンタルヘルス板<br>
・ 占い関連 ⇒ 占い板、占術理論実践板<br>
・ 宗教関連 ⇒ 神社仏閣板、心と宗教板<br><br>
  スポーツや芸能界などの話題が趣旨のレスやスレッドは、<b><font color="#ff0000">板違い</font></b>となります<br><br>
・ 荒らし行為は厳禁です。荒らしを見かけても、レスを返さないこと<br>
・ 板やスレッドの運営に関する相談は、自治スレで行なって下さい<br><br>
・ <a href="/spiritual/subback.html">スレッド一覧</a>で、似たようなスレが無いか調べて下さい<br>
・ 趣旨が明確で、検索しやすいスレッドタイトルを付けること<br>
・ ネタスレ、単発質問スレ、誹謗中傷を目的としたスレは禁止です<br>
0270Code Monkey ★2014/07/02(水) 01:37:58.32ID:???
Maybe that is related to the 即落 settings?

Should I remove 即落 from touhou?
0273名無し編集部員2014/07/02(水) 02:44:34.76ID:UnaOCyb2
No, We need 即落 settings.
There was a problem with thread list, it seems to have been fixed now.
I'm sorry to trouble you.
0274名無し編集部員2014/07/02(水) 02:50:31.72ID:6yW2Tdge
NO MORE liveplus in headline

I think the yo See also the news live + 06/30 01:12 ONEPIECE I feel yo is seen until about certain red dog yellow monkey blue pheasant to be Ryu ... (T_T) (7)
On the other hand apology deficit fall by the news live + 06/30 00:54 Miki Watanabe black reputational damage, cutlass fish carpaccio Kazutami that said they watch like the topic ... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ (9)
Good night news live + 06/30 00:44 you guys (12)
News Commentary + 06/30 00:01 (4)
Helper News Commentary + 06/29 23:38 Kanda Aikamoto NHK fishing Roque who did? (With image) man from behind (10)
There is not news live + 06/29 23:05 Sorry, but we will end the last Sunday of June soon. Amissing. It is a weekday Monday. It rushes in July (18)
(With image) 59 yen is Okame natto in the news live + 06/29 22:30 Seiyu (26)
Let me say something on the news live + 06/29 22:00 guy (21)
The suicide Tokyo University students jumped on the news live + 06/29 [21:27] breaking the tyranny of the University of Tokyo Abe or protest (38)
It 's a round bald'm bald' s News Commentary + 06/29 21:19 likely (5)
News Commentary + 06/29 20:03 Shuntaro Tanikawa's recital to talk about the universe (9)
Found that the Belgian representative DF was first appearance in the news live + 06/29 [19:50] W Cup against Korea had crack fracture in Taekwon-scissors-tackle (35)
What sushi rice ball and news live + 06/29 18:47 finger marks with (52)
You give me the "Ie-jin was" by when the program title to died a long time ago entertainer news live + 06/29 18:03 I Kansai "Yashikitakajin"? Will usually be a program name change? ww (50)
The same conditions as wrestling and rugby and karate and judo and reach weight News and Commentary + 06/29 18:01 stature (19)
[Shop] in the same news live + 06/29 17:54 in the "What you also" shopkeeper → 711 "~ ♪ I came also" 90,000 yen convenience store robbery four days ago is now \ 30,000 (17)
[On without losing Aso] + live news 06/29 17:29 Shinzo Abe suspects "of course and bullied children attached Glitter name is" "because I'm not a pet" (48)
Shinzo Abe suspects live news + 06/29 17:15 [self-immolation] unconstitutional mandatory (60) we can be death sentence in the civil war crime apply! (Criminal law scholar) (45)
Is it safe I water free server that you've got on your news live + 06/29 17:14 super? (67)
There also do a manhole explosion record heavy rain blackout video image in self-immolation attempt Shibuya news live + 06/29 17:00 Imperial devastated Shinjuku ... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ (36)
Various are occurring in the news live + 06/29 16:48 ■ the streets, but the right to collective self-defense is I will approved by the Cabinet tomorrow w (37)
The (101) ... We'll try to rank the news live + 06/29 [16:01] ranking Western artist
[Specialty] Jippura Homogifu samadhi News Commentary + 06/29 16:00 (4)
The cancer screening ... (11) News Commentary + 06/29 15:36 long-term care insurance
I think it is going to buy News Commentary + 06/29 15:29 fridge but this is Aryu of Na seen features like convenient? ... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ (30)
... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ § news live + 06/29 15:25 guerrilla heavy rain has occurred (47)
When you have made news live + 06/29 15:20 Seven Jap disabilities taste do not know this coffee taste like a real such Myra Niño is not flocking to 100 yen coffee Warota ... (T_T) (41)
News Commentary + 06/29 15:02 you guys hate Olusegun talent TOP10 (65)
News Commentary + 06/29 14:49 (18) Sapporo ... "I came also" medium [the 3rd] convenience store robbery
I think it is going to buy lunch in the news live + 06/29 14:42 Seven, but what good Niño? ... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ (25)
Apparently there was a self-immolation in the news live + 06/29 14:23 Shinjuku (143)
0276 ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/02(水) 11:33:09.43ID:3s12ppNv
Good morning, Code Monkey-san.
Sorry to bother you.

A plus board user picked colors for bbynews. I think it's good.

Have a good day!

It is easy to understand intuitively that it match the color coding of 2nn.
newsplus #000080
mnewsplus #ffa500
news4plus #ff0000
bizplus #008000
news5plus #0000ff
scienceplus #808080
femnewsplus #a52a2a
moeplus #ffc0cb
dqnplus #d1bada

The following six and either may be the all black because of the number of occurrences small amount.
wildplus #000000
liveplus #000000
snsplus #000000
news4plusd #000000
editorialplus #000000
owabiplus #000000
02772662014/07/02(水) 19:22:37.92ID:EJI0wDO7
We confirmed change of head.txt.
Thank you for your quick response!
0278Code Monkey ★2014/07/02(水) 21:04:16.56ID:???
I have added those.

I see. I will try to fix this.
0280名無し編集部員2014/07/03(木) 00:55:05.34ID:IJwFbQqb
Plan B
newsplus #00000
moeplus #D70074
dqnplus #6A5292 or #dc143c
Other adjustment

#000000 > #808080
0284 ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/03(木) 08:49:55.54ID:FppOWcMS
New liveanarchy board is in a state of anarchy than anarchy. :-)
Maybe a place for nuclear tests?

It seems better! >>279's plan would enhances it furthurmore.

[bbygame - game headline]
We made list of boards v1.0. It includes their color. (3 colors category by category, and a ghard dedicated color)
Please add them all to bbygame when you have a time. An enormous number of boards...


Thank you.
0286Code Monkey ★2014/07/03(木) 12:27:42.23ID:???
Yeah I forgot! Sorry about that. It is fixed now.

Okay I will change those colors.

Should we remove liveplus from bbynews?

I havent added those boards yet, because I want to see how the game headline works with 3 boards.
I will add the rest soon and with colors.
0288 ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/03(木) 13:00:47.40ID:FppOWcMS
Thank you.
In my opinion, liveplus board shoud not be removed from bbynews because liveplus board is plus board without doubt. That board has the personality.
But it's my opinion.

Liveplus is only one semi-CAP plus board. And some plus board users dislike threads made by anonymous reporters simply.
Therefore, we could exclude anonymous reporters' threads from bbynews to settle the matter. It may make some people happy.
0289 ◆blackstars 2014/07/03(木) 13:25:52.05ID:xuy907tJ
It's fixed. >>287
Thanks always, Code Monkey-san.
0290名無し編集部員2014/07/03(木) 17:12:24.06ID:n713xQ7a
Hi CodeMonkey-san.


272 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる [sage] :2014/06/26(木) 22:56:00.39 ID:32yXmRl70

【理由】Separate into iOS device/app threads and iOS game threads
【内容】iphone board is occupied by iOS game threads, We need place for iOS device and app.
    because game thread people will not move to new board, even if create new game board.
【フォルダ】 iOS
【カテゴリ】 家電製品
【名無し】 iPhone774G
【ID】 強制
0291名無し編集部員2014/07/03(木) 21:33:35.43ID:L8mqH92V
code monkey-san don,t neglect >>262
0292名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 00:30:13.87ID:zLAj26s7
what's delete request?
0293Code Monkey ★2014/07/04(金) 01:04:19.10ID:???
Please ask Jack-san for delete requests.

Thats a good idea.
How about an android board also?
0294名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 03:30:04.14ID:QXs8vc8m
It can not corresponding to the title that is provided to both iOS and Android.
Also Can not cope even if the title that is not available to any iOS and Android are present.
>>290 not solve the problem of filling the board threads were subdivided
It Does not satisfy the convenience of the user threads iPhone game.

Plan that corresponds in each case
【理由】 過密の緩和
【内容】 スマートフォン上で動作するゲームタイトルの個別スレ用(retro2などに準拠)
     for smartphone games.
     1 title 1 thread only.
【鯖】 iPhoneと同じ http://hello.2ch.net/iPhone/
【フォルダ】 gameapp
【カテゴリ】 モバイルゲームカテゴリを新設
【名無し】 白ロムさん
【ID】 強制
0295名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 03:41:20.50ID:QXs8vc8m
For iOS users (not gamer)
【板名】 家電サロン
【理由】 家電カテゴリのポータルとして
     Board of general-purpose consumer electronics
【カテゴリ】 家電
【名無し】 名無しさん@新発売
【ID】 強制
【備考】 雑談板として指定(削除ガイドライン参照)

case of create "mobile game category"
【理由】 モバイルゲームカテゴリのポータルとして
     Board of general-purpose mobile games.
【カテゴリ】 家電
【名無し】 NAMEフリーさん
【ID】 強制
【備考】 雑談板として指定(削除ガイドライン参照)
0297名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 04:03:10.79ID:QXs8vc8m
It should not be at the expense of the convenience of the daily use of a large number of people
0298名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 04:39:25.38ID:QXs8vc8m
From >>256 

http://headline.2ch.net/bbynews/ ニュース系
http://headline.2ch.net/bbylive/ 実況系
http://headline.2ch.net/bbylunch/ 携帯用
http://headline.2ch.net/bbygame/ ゲーム系(試験運用)

bby -- スレッド情報一元管理システム構築スレ

bby -- スレッド情報一元管理システム構築スレ3
0299 ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/04(金) 10:17:06.48ID:j9t9sGi+
I agree with you. They discussed and figure out this idea for long time.
>>294 is an opinion without discussion I think.
0301名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 11:05:51.84ID:j9t9sGi+
Android board has fewer problems than iPhone board.
Therfore, we can make android game board simply about android.
Thanks for your help.
0302名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 12:28:07.96ID:+QNUTFCA
英語できん。 頑張ったがこれが限界だ。

Let's change Wallpaper(Brick).

IEやFirefoxからeach boardを見たときに見える煉瓦の壁紙と上部の「2ちゃんねる」というロゴデザインを変えませんか?

2.SCとsame designで間違う人がいる
0303名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 13:08:04.63ID:QXs8vc8m
0304名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 13:19:16.57ID:sRxDf2xU
0305名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 16:39:03.79ID:+QNUTFCA

0306名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 16:49:12.56ID:+QNUTFCA

0307名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 17:09:52.46ID:sRxDf2xU
0308名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 17:51:30.98ID:i+YtLrPL
0309名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 18:11:34.04ID:+QNUTFCA
0310名無し編集部員2014/07/04(金) 21:13:24.32ID:BaagvGaf
please tell me how to talk jack-san.
0311Code Monkey ★2014/07/05(土) 01:36:10.30ID:???
I think he has a thread on the 2ch operate board.
He should also have a thread somewhere on the erobbs board, but Im not sure which one.

In other news:
I just made some new boards. Enjoy!
0312名無し編集部員2014/07/05(土) 01:42:15.26ID:Nd+jaNFB
0315名無し編集部員2014/07/05(土) 11:21:00.28ID:GkNhChSc
Good morning, Code Moneky-san,
Thank you for making new boards!

We are antianime board.
We want to change the name of antianime board to expand its subject.


from アニメアンチ
to 商業創作作品アンチ総合

0316Code Monkey ★2014/07/05(土) 11:22:56.89ID:???
Its fixed.
0318Code Monkey ★2014/07/05(土) 11:56:44.94ID:???
I added seijinewsplus, livemx, and livesangyou to the headline.
0319 ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/05(土) 17:20:35.65ID:GkNhChSc
They seem working correctly now.
BTW, some livesangyou board's users want to pass through BBx like liveanarchy board.
Would that be possible?
Also, liveanime users want to it.
Thanks always!
0320名無し編集部員2014/07/06(日) 18:25:01.51ID:1WlL0V0N
Code Monkey-san
Please change the name of the momoclo board.


スタダ(Sutada,Stardust) is the name of the talent agency.
Momoclo belongs there, too.
The reason to want you to change the name is because we want to get more users.
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