金比羅温泉(浪速区)17 [無断転載禁止]©bbspink.com
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0548薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/19(月) 08:10:54.67ID:AhG54nWf0
0549薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/19(月) 10:54:49.78ID:+Jj7iEvf0
0552薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/19(月) 17:17:31.90ID:AhG54nWf0
0553薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/19(月) 19:50:25.51ID:a1dbMpkg0
0554薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/19(月) 21:16:45.25ID:EHt+wmlD0
0555薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/19(月) 22:39:48.31ID:ydysVcfa0
0556薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/19(月) 23:55:23.87ID:EHt+wmlD0
0558薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/20(火) 11:01:30.12ID:9Kyth56F0
0559薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/20(火) 11:34:50.98ID:KuWAMpjO0
0560薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/20(火) 12:27:54.81ID:lP1zYOGN0
0561薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/20(火) 13:02:01.20ID:9Kyth56F0
0562薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/20(火) 13:02:52.15ID:9Kyth56F0
0563薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/20(火) 19:23:50.53ID:j0J60iRL0
0565薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/20(火) 23:00:15.39ID:J6js4O8p0
0566薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/20(火) 23:49:01.74ID:9Kyth56F0
0569薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 00:01:59.40ID:jOzxMj3y0
0570薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 00:42:02.76ID:usjIHZ3n0
0571薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 00:43:28.75ID:SiuqMefu0
0572薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 00:47:21.30ID:Sh5WR2Ne0
0573薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 02:00:01.39ID:GM/i5gos0
0575薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 12:29:19.52ID:I2vtdfoT0
0576薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 12:30:09.04ID:I2vtdfoT0
0578薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 13:14:45.77ID:jOzxMj3y0
0580薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 18:13:55.49ID:I2vtdfoT0
0581薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 18:57:51.54ID:QyxfIMqA0

0582薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 19:14:44.21ID:B/kkEstG0
0583薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 20:25:59.37ID:I2vtdfoT0
0584薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 21:11:53.91ID:GTjBkP3X0
0585薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 22:05:18.85ID:I2vtdfoT0
0586薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 22:06:24.06ID:I2vtdfoT0
0587薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 23:34:04.68ID:QyxfIMqA0


0589薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/21(水) 23:45:12.77ID:cQCgLsal0
0591薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/22(木) 01:22:51.75ID:p35cUes20
0592薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/22(木) 07:56:46.27ID:0Jf+eNzq0
0595薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/22(木) 21:28:56.40ID:NuM2iYI10
0596薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/22(木) 21:56:39.37ID:mFUF9EWh0
0597薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/22(木) 23:41:10.90ID:QrJgrRjG0
0601薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/23(金) 15:35:58.76ID:CqpUaQPp0
0602薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/23(金) 21:28:14.48ID:PKgscu3K0

「どけよ 豚野郎!」て怒鳴りたくなる
0605薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/24(土) 08:15:44.86ID:VMe26yJT0
pgjtadmwjjtmaddmggtwmjjgjwadmtpe time spent during weightlessness in space is often compared to
accelerated aging. David adjusted to weightlessness, it tooipk him several weeks to adapt
when he was on the space station, and after a time he felt perfectly adapted to space. Now when he comes back,
rehabilitation that will be necessary to adapt to earth and gravity. Apart from
balance problems and lack of strength and co-ordination, we expect there will be symptoms of
“Earth sickness,” if you will. So the symptoms of nausea that generally come when astronauts arrive in space,
The loss of muscle is hard to quantify, it’s very variable. Bone loss, we’
re talking about an average of one per cent bone density per month that’s lost, but
it can vary. It depends on several factors, including how much exercise they did, their genetics, physical
shape before leaving, etc. Even if the lost bone density is mild or
non-existent or recoverable after a certain time, it’s quite possible that the bone architecture
is not recoverable at all. Bone architecture is simply the shape inside bones. It may be lost forever.
Does it have any practical or clinical impact? We don’t know yet.
Spending about six months (in space), it’s a little like having spent six months in
bed without moving. His body will have to readapt to gravity. He will need help getting
out of the capsule. Clearly, we have to expect some difficulty with the process, a certain lack of
balance. He may feel dizzy because his cardiovascular system is no
longer used to fighting gravity. And typically (aterterauts) have pains everywhere. From the
Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques will return to Earth on Monday following a six-month
mission aboard the International Space Station. Raffi Kuygggggggggggge doctor for the Canadian
Space Agency, explains that the 49-year-old astronaut will undergo a long recovery as his
0606薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/24(土) 08:16:03.79ID:VMe26yJT0
gtppjad3mjtay. In fact, the time spent during weightlessness in space is often compared to
accelerated aging. Dgregwergwerfavid adjusted to weightlessness, it took him several weeks to adapt
when he was on the space station, and after a time he felt perfectly adapted to space. Now when he comes back,
rehabilitation that will be necessary to adapt to earth and gravity. Apart from
balance problems and lack of strength and co-ordination, we expect there will be symptoms of
“Earth sickness,” if you will. So the symptoms of nausea that generally come when astronauts arrive in space,
The loss of muscle is hard to quantify, it’s very variable. Bone loss, we’
re talking about an average of one per cent bone density per month that’s lost, but
it can vary. It depends on several factors, including how much exercise they did, their genetics, physical
shape before leaving, etc. Even if the lost bone density is mild or
non-existent or recoverable after a certain time, it’s quite possible that the bone architecture
is not recoverable at all. Bone architecture is simply the shape inside bones. It may be lost forever.
Does it have any practical or clinical impact? We don’t know yet.
Spending about six months (in space), it’s a little like having spent six months in
bed without moving. His body will have to readapt to gravity. He will need help getting
out of the capsule. Clearly, we have to expect some difficulty with the process, a certain lack of
balance. He may feel dizzy because his cardiovascular system is no
longer used to fighting gravity. And typically (astronauts) have pains everywhere. From the
Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacqu you n Monday following a six-month
mission aboard the International Space Station. Raffi Kuyumjian, the doctor for the Canadian
Space Agency, explains that the 49-year-old astronaut will undergo a long recovery as his
0607薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/24(土) 08:16:15.61ID:VMe26yJT0
gtppjad3mjtay. In fact, the time spent during weightlessness in space is often compared to
accelerated aging. Dgregwergwerfavid adjusted to weightlessness, it took him several weeks to adapt
when he was on the space station, and after a time he felt perfectly adapted to space. Now when he comes back,
rehabilitation that will be necessary to adapt to earth and gravity. Apart from
balance problems and lack of strength and co-ordination, we expect there will be symptoms of
“Earth sickness,” if you will. So the symptoms of nausea that generally come when astronauts arrive in space,
The loss of muscle is hard to quantify, it’s very variable. Bone loss, we’
re talking about an average of one per cent bone density per month that’s lost, but
it can vary. It depends on several factors, including how much exercise they did, their genetics, physical
shape before leaving, etc. Even if the lost bone density is mild or
non-existent or recoverable after a certain time, it’s quite possible that the bone architecture
is not recoverable at all. Bone architecture is simply the shape inside bones. It may be lost forever.
Does it have any practical or clinical impact? We don’t know yet.
Spending about six months (in space), it’s a little like having spent six months in
bed without moving. His body will have to readapt to gravity. He will need help getting
out of the capsule. Clearly, we have to expect some difficulty with the process, a certain lack of
balance. He may feel dizzy because his cardiovascular system is no
longer used to fighting gravity. And tyrarara(astronauts) have pains everywhere. From the
Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques will returooooopEarth on Monday following a six-month
mission aboard the International Space Station. Raffi Kuyumjian, the doctor for the Canadian
Space Agency, explains that the 49-year-old astronaut will undergo a long recovery as his
0608薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/24(土) 08:17:51.50ID:/MA5P6GS0
jad3mjtay. In fact, the time spent during weightlessness in space is often compared to
accelerated aging. Dgregwergwerfavid adjusted to weightlessness, it took him several weeks to adapt
when he was on the space station, and after a time he felt perfectly adapted to space. Now when he comes back,
rehabilitation that will be necessary to adapt to earth and gravity. Apart from
balance problems and lack of strength and co-ordination, we expect there will be symptoms of
“Earth sickness,” if you will. So the symptoms of nausea that generally come when astronauts arrive in space,
The loss of muscle is hard to quantify, it’s very variable. Bone loss, we’
re talking about an average of one per cent bone density per month that’s lost, but
it can vary. It depends on several factors, including how much exercise they did, their genetics, physical
shape before leaving, etc. Even if the lost bone density is mild or
non-existent or recoverable after a certain time, it’s quite possible that the bone architecture
is not recoverable at all. Bone architecture is simply the shape inside bones. It may be lost forever.
Does it have any practical or clinical impact? We don’t know yet.
Spending about six months (in space), it’s a little like having spent six months in
bed without moving. His body will have to readapt to gravity. He will need help getting
out of the capsule. Clearly, we have to expect some difficulty with the process, a certain lack of
balance. He may feel dizzy because his cardiovascular system is no
longer used to fighting gravity. And tyrarara(astronauts) have pains everywhere. From the
Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques will returooooopEarth on Monday following a six-month
mission aboard the International Space Station. Raffi Kpgjadjian, the doctor for the Canadian
Space Agency, explains that the 49-year-old astronaut will undergo a long recovery as his
0609薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/24(土) 08:18:53.73ID:/MA5P6GS0
jad3mjtay. In fact, the time spent during weightlessness in space is often compared to
accelerated aging. Dgregwergwerfavid adjusted to weightlessness, it took him several weeks to adapt
when he was on the space station, and after a time he felt perfectly adapted to space. Now when he comes back,
rehabilitation that will be necessary to adapt to earth and gravity. Apart from
balance problems and lack of strength and co-ordination, we expect there will be symptoms of
“Earth sickness,” if you will. So the symptoms of nausea that generally come when astronauts arrive in space,
The loss of muscle is hard to quantify, it’s very variable. Bone loss, we’
re talking about an average of one per cent bone density per month that’s lost, but
it can vary. It depends on several factors, including how much exercise they did, their genetics, physical
shape before leaving, etc. Even if the lost bone density is mild or
non-existent or recoverable after a certain time, it’s quite possible that the bone architecture
is not recoverable at all. Bone architecture is simply the shape inside bones. It may be lost forever.
Does it have any practical or clinical impact? We don’t know yet.
Spending about six months (in space), it’s a little like having spent six months in
bed without moving. His body will have to readapt to gravity. He will need help getting
out of the capsule. Clearly, we have to expect some difficulty with the process, a certain lack of
balance. He may feel dizzy because his cardiovascular system is no
longer used to fighting gravity. And tyrarara(astronauts) have pains everywhere. From the
Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques will returooooopEarth on Monday following a six-month
mission abotjgp e International Space Station. Raffi Kuyumjian, the doctor for the Canadian
Space Agency, explains that the 49-year-old astronaut will undergo a long recovery as his
0610薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/24(土) 08:19:48.24ID:/MA5P6GS0
jad3mjtay. In fact, the time spent during weightlessness in space is often compared to
accelerated aging. Dgregwergwerfavid adjusted to weightlessness, it took him several weeks to adapt
when he was on the space station, and after a time he felt perfectly adapted to space. Now when he comes back,
rehabilitation that will be necessary to adapt to earth and gravity. Apart from
balance problems and lack of strength and co-ordination, we expect there will be symptoms of
“Earth sickness,” if you will. So the symptoms of nausea that generally come when astronauts arrive in space,
The loss of muscle is hard to quantify, it’s very variable. Bone loss, we’
re talking about an average of one per cent bone density per month that’s lost, but
it can vary. It depends on several factors, including how much exercise they did, their genetics, physical
shape before leaving, etc. Even if the lost bone density is mild or
non-existent or recoverable after a certain time, it’s quite possible that the bone architecture
is not recoverable at all. Bone architecture is simply the shape inside bones. It may be lost forever.
Does it have any practical or clinical impact? We don’t know yet.
Spending about six months (in space), it’s a little like having spent six months in
bed without moving. His body will have to readapt to gravity. He will need help getting
out of the capsule. Clearly, we have to expect some difficulty with the process, a certain lack of
balance. He may feel dizzy because his cardiovascular system is no
longer used to fighting gravity. And tyrarara(astronauts) have pains everywhere. From the
Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques will returooooopEarth on Monday following a six-month
mission aboard th pgjtppernational Space Station. Raffi Kuyumjian, the doctor for the Canadian
Space Agency, explains that the 49-year-old astronaut will undergo a long recovery as his
0611薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/24(土) 12:34:34.47ID:dDeMJ6V60
0613薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/24(土) 14:54:57.01ID:tCV3xMz/0
0614薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/24(土) 20:52:01.85ID:WlQX2aWq0
0615薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/24(土) 23:51:54.77ID:dDeMJ6V60
0616薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/24(土) 23:53:10.90ID:dDeMJ6V60
0617薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/25(日) 00:08:25.59ID:wZbXiCNP0

0618薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/25(日) 02:16:13.07ID:kbUOy0pP0
0622薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/26(月) 00:24:14.87ID:l6cXspKz0
0623薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/26(月) 01:06:34.21ID:7uhrcCNJ0
0625薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/26(月) 06:57:26.36ID:hz8LEBSf0
0626薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/26(月) 13:51:01.47ID:cxMWgewO0
pgjtadmwjjtmaddmggtwmjjgjwadmtpe time spent during weightlessness in space is often compared to
accelerated aging. David adjusted to weightlessness, it tooipk him several weeks to adapt
when he was on the space station, and after a time he felt perfectly adapted to space. Now when he comes back,
rehabilitation that will be necessary to adapt to earth and gravity. Apart from
balance problems and lack of strength and co-ordination, we expect there will be symptoms of
“Earth sickness,” if you will. So the symptoms of nausea that generally come when astronauts arrive in space,
The loss of muscle is hard to quantify, it’s very variable. Bone loss, we’
re talking about an average of one per cent bone density per month that’s lost, but
it can vary. It depends on several factors, including how much exercise they did, their genetics, physical
shape before leaving, etc. Even if the lost bone density is mild or
non-existent or recoverable after a certain time, it’s quite possible that the bone architecture
is not recoverable at all. Bone architecture is simply the shape inside bones. It may be lost forever.
Does it have any practical or clinical impact? We don’t know yet.
Spending about six months (in space), it’s a little like having spent six months in
bed without moving. His body will have to readapt to gravity. He will need help getting
out of the capsule. Clearly, we have to expect some difficulty with the process, a certain lack of
balance. He may feel dizzy because his cardiovascular system is no
longer used to fighting gravity. And typically (aterterauts) have pains everywhere. From the
Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques will retrrwearth on Monday following a six-month
mission aboard the International Space Station. Raffi Kuygggggggggggge doctor for the Canadian
Space Agency, explains that the 49-year-old astronaut will undergo a long recovery as his
0627薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/26(月) 13:51:29.09ID:cxMWgewO0
pgjtadmwjjtmaddmggtwmjjgjwadmtpe time spent during weightlessness in space is often compared to
accelerated aging. David adjusted to weightlessness, it tooipk him several weeks to adapt
when he was on the space station, and after a time he felt perfectly adapted to space. Now when he comes back,
rehabilitation that will be necessary to adapt to earth and gravity. Apart from
balance problems and lack of strength and co-ordination, we expect there will be symptoms of
“Earth sickness,” if you will. So the symptoms of nausea that generally come when astronauts arrive in space,
The loss of muscle is hard to quantify, it’s very variable. Bone loss, we’
re talking about an average of one per cent bone density per monuiuth that’s lost, but
it can vary. It depends on several factors, including how much exercise they did, their genetics, physical
shape before leaving, etc. Even if the lost bone density is mild or
non-existent or recoverable after a certain time, it’s quite possible that the bone architecture
is not recoverable at all. Bone architecture is simply the shape inside bones. It may be lost forever.
Does it have any practical or clinical impact? We don’t know yet.
Spending about six months (in space), it’s a little like having spent six months in
bed without moving. His body will have to readapt to gravity. He will need help getting
out of the capsule. Clearly, we have to expect some difficulty with the process, a certain lack of
balance. He may feel dizzy because his cardiovascular system is no
longer used to fighting gravity. And typically (aterterauts) have pains everywhere. From the
Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques will return to Earth on Monday following a six-month
mission aboard the International Space Station. Raffi Kuygggggggggggge doctor for the Canadian
Space Agency, explains that the 49-year-old astronaut will undergo a long recovery as his
0628薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/26(月) 13:51:41.35ID:cxMWgewO0
pgjtadmwjjtmaddmggtwmjjgjwadmtpe time spent during weightlessness in space is often compared to
accelerated aging. David adjusted to weightlessness, it tooipk him several weeks to adapt
when he was on the space station, and after a time he felt perfectly adapted to space. Now when he comes back,
rehabilitation that will be necessary to adapt to earth and gravity. Apart from
balance problems and lack of strength and co-ordination, we expect there will be symptoms of
“Earth sickness,” if you will. So the symptoms of nausea that generally come when astronauts arrive in space,
The loss of muscle is hard to quantify, it’s very variable. Bone loss, we’
re talking about an average of one per cent bone density per month that’s lost, but
it can vary. It depends on several factors, including how much exercise they did, their genetics, physical
shape before leaving, etc. Even if the lost bone density is mild or
non-existent or recoverable after a certain time, it’s quite possible that the bone architecture
is not recoverable at all. Bone architecture is simply the shape inside bones. It may be lost forever.
Does it have any practical or clinical impact? We don’t know yet.
Spending about six months (in space), it’s a little like having spent six months in
bed without moving. His body will have to readapt to gravity. He will need help getting
out of the capsule. Clearly, we have to expect some difficulty with the process, a certain lack of
balance. He may feel dizzy because his cardiovascular system is no pioi
longer used to fighting gravity. And typically (aterterauts) have pains everywhere. From the
Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques will return to Earth on Monday following a six-month
mission aboard the International Space Station. Raffi Kuygggggggggggge doctor for the Canadian
Space Agency, explains that the 49-year-old astronaut will undergo a long recovery as his
0629薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/26(月) 13:52:43.75ID:4MCG3WB50
gtppjad3mjtay. In fact, the time spent during weightlessness in space is often compared to
accelerated aging. Dgregwergwerfavid adjusted to weightlessness, it took him several weeks to adapt
when he was on the space station, and after a time he felt perfectly adapted to space. Now when he comes back,
rehabilitation that will be necessary to adapt to earth and gravity. Apart from
balance problems and lack of strength and co-ordination, we expect there will be symptoms of
“Earth sickness,” if you will. So the symptoms of nausea that generally come when astronauts arrive in space,
The loss of muscle is hard to quantify, it’s very variable. Bone loss, we’
re talking about an average of one per cent bone density per month that’s lost, but
it can vary. It depends on several factors, including how much exercise they did, their genetics, physical
shape before leaving, etc. Even if the lost bone density is mild or
non-existent or recoverable after a certain time, it’s quite possible that the bone architecture
is not recoverable at all. Bone architecture is simply the shape inside bones. It may be lost forever.
Does it have any practical or clinical impact? We don’t know yet.
Spending about six months (in space), it’s a little like having spent six months in
bed without moving. His body will have to readapt to gravity. He will need help getting
out of the capsule. Clearly, we have to expect some difficulty with the process, a certain lack of
balance. He may feel dizzy because his cardiovascular system is no
longer used to fighting gravity. And typically (astronauts) have pains everywhere. From the
Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacqu you n Monday following a six-month
mission aboard the International Space Station. Raffi Kuyupjgian, the doctor for the Canadian
Space Agency, explains that the 49-year-old astronaut will undergo a long recovery as his
0630薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/26(月) 13:53:03.46ID:4MCG3WB50
gtppjad3mjtay. In fact, the time spent during weightlessness in space is often compared to
accelerated aging. Dgregwergwerfavid adjusted to weightlessness, it took him several weeks to adapt
when he was on the space station, and after a time he felt perfectly adapted to space. Now when he comes back,
rehabilitation that will be necessary to adapt to earth and gravity. Apart from
balance problems and lack of strength and co-ordination, we expect there will be symptoms of
“Earth sickness,” if you will. So the symptoms of nausea that generally come when astronauts arrive in space,
The loss of muscle is hard to quantify, it’s very variable. Bone loss, we’
re talking about an average of one per cent bone density per month that’s lost, but
it can vary. It depends on several factors, including how much exercise they did, their genetics, physical
shape before leaving, etc. Even if the lost bone density is mild or
non-existent or recoverable after a certain time, it’s quite possible that the bone architecture
is not recoverable at all. Bone architecture is simply the shape inside bones. It may be lost forever.
Does it have any practical or clinical impact? We don’t know yet.
Spending about six months (in space), it’s a little like having spent six months in
bed without moving. His body will have to readapt to gravity. He will need help getting
out of the capsule. Clearly, we have to expect some difficulty with the process, a certain lack of
balance. He may feel dizzy because his cardiovascular system is no
longer used to fighting gravity. And typically (astronauts) have pains everywhere. From the
Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacqu you n Monday following a six-month
mission aboard the International Space Station. Raffi Kuyumjian, tjgathe doctor for the Canadian
Space Agency, explains that the 49-year-old astronaut will undergo a long recovery as his
0631薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/26(月) 13:53:22.74ID:4MCG3WB50
gtppjad3mjtay. In fact, the time spent during weightlessness in space is often compared to
accelerated aging. Dgregwergwerfavid adjusted to weightlessness, it took him several weeks to adapt
when he was on the space station, and after a time he felt perfectly adapted to space. Now when he comes back,
rehabilitation that will be necessary to adapt to earth and gravity. Apart from
balance problems and lack of strength and co-ordination, we expect there will be symptoms of
“Earth sickness,” if you will. So the symptoms of nausea that generally come when astronauts arrive in space,
The loss of muscle is hard to quantify, it’s very variable. Bone loss, we’
re talking about an average of one per cent bone density per month that’s lost, but
it can vary. It depends on several factors, including how much exercise they did, their genetics, physical
shape before leaving, etc. Even if the lost bone density is mild or
non-existent or recoverable after a certain time, it’s quite possible that the bone architecture
is not recoverable at all. Bone architecture is simply the shape inside bones. It may be lost forever.
Does it have any practical or clinical impact? We don’t know yet.
Spending about six months (in space), it’s a little like having spent six months in
bed without moving. His body will have to readapt to gravity. He will need help getting
out of the capsule. Clearly, we have to expect some difficulty with the process, a certain lack of
balance. He may feel dizzy because his cardiovascular system is no
longer used to fighting gravity. And typically (astronauts) have pains everywhere. From the
Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacqu you n Monday following a six-month
mission aboard the International Space Station. Raffi Kupgajwan, the doctor for the Canadian
Space Agency, explains that the 49-year-old astronaut will undergo a long recovery as his
0632薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/26(月) 21:27:36.34ID:IfDcqzRJ0
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0637薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/08/26(月) 23:12:52.71ID:wYqiPIMo0
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