It can not corresponding to the title that is provided to both iOS and Android.
Also Can not cope even if the title that is not available to any iOS and Android are present.
>>290 not solve the problem of filling the board threads were subdivided
It Does not satisfy the convenience of the user threads iPhone game.

Plan that corresponds in each case
【理由】 過密の緩和
【内容】 スマートフォン上で動作するゲームタイトルの個別スレ用(retro2などに準拠)
     for smartphone games.
     1 title 1 thread only.
【鯖】 iPhoneと同じ
【フォルダ】 gameapp
【カテゴリ】 モバイルゲームカテゴリを新設
【名無し】 白ロムさん
【ID】 強制