
1. Most Asians look alike

2. If he was an Asian man, he’d most likely be with an Asian woman (and he doesn’t find Asian women attractive)

3. Sweatshops suck.

4. Smoking pot while Asian makes would make his already-chink eyes close completely

5. He sucks at math

6. The only way you can be in show biz if you know kung fu or if you play an Asian mobster

7. He’d be short.

8. He hates sushi and it would be “everywhere” if he was Asian. [He throws in a nice use of the word "Oriental" during this segment.]

9. Asian males don’t have a “good rep.” Schools don’t accept them any more than white males,
they’re not known for being good in the bedroom, and are known for having small equipment and wear tighty-whiteys

10. Asians blur their porn
