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0158薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 16:13:53.28ID:VZ+69a6n0
‘If Trump Asked, We’d Nuke China Next Week,’ Says U.S. Navy Fleet Commander
Newsweek • Conor Gaffey • 15 hours ago
Prominent veterans, including Vietnam War veteran John McCain, have
criticized President Donald Trump in the wake of his decision to ban transgender people from serving in the U.S. military.

But the head of the largest fleet in the U.S. Navy, Admiral Scott Swift, was
quick to swear his loyalty to the commander-in-chief Thursday, to the
point that the admiral said he would hypothetically follow the president’s
orders to launch a nuclear missile at China.

“The answer would be: yes,” said Swift, the commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,
when asked a question during an Australian National University security
conference in the Australian capital, Canberra, the AP reported.

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Share Elements but Vary Widely

Related: China's new undersea drone could leave the U.S. Navy dead in the water

Swift made no suggestion that any such order had been given, but seemed to
make the remark in the context of underscoring the U.S. military’s oath of
allegiance to whoever holds the office of the president of the United States.
0159薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 16:16:04.54ID:wNlq+9Lm0
Then Vice Admiral Scott Swift, commander of the Japan-based U.S. 7th
Fleet, speaks during the Lowy Institute foreign policy think tank in Sydney on July 16, 2013. SAEED KHAN/AFP/Getty

“Every member of the U.S. military has sworn an oath to defend the
constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and
domestic and to obey the officers and the president of the United States as
commander and chief appointed over us,” he said.

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Swift added that loyalty to the president was an important principle of civilian
control over the military, since the president was elected by the U.S.
population. “This is core to the American democracy and any time you
have a military that is moving away from a focus and an allegiance to
civilian control, then we really have a significant problem,” said Swift.

A spokesman for the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Charlie Brown, later said that the
premise of the question was “ridiculous.”

The U.S. Pacific Fleet comprises around 200 ships and submarines, almost 1,100
aircraft and more than 130,000 sailors, seamen and staff. It patrols a massive
100 million-square-mile area, stretching from the West Coast of the United States and into the Indian Ocean.
0160薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 16:17:02.12ID:Qn1HRDKJ0
The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson transits the South China Sea while
conducting flight operations on April 9, 2017. Landers/Courtesy U.S. Navy/Handout via REUTERS

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The fleet also represents the first line of U.S. defense against North Korea, the
totalitarian regime that has vowed to target the American mainland with a
nuclear missile. U.S. naval strike groups recently carried out joint exercises with
Japanese warships in the Philippines as the war rhetoric between Washington
and Pyongyang has continued to intensify.

After a positive meeting between the U.S. president and Chinese President Xi
Jinping at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago golf resort in April, relations between the two
countries have soured. Trump has grown increasingly frustrated with
Beijing’s purported reluctance to rein in North Korea, even following its first-ever
test of an intercontinental ballistic missile on July 4.

Earlier in July, Trump tweeted that trade between China and North Korea had
grown in the first quarter, and seemed to indicate disillusionment with Beijing.
0161薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 17:35:33.70ID:qGO8lLJx0
0162薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 22:24:11.45ID:dD2GKum90



2008年 中央大学
2009年 明治大学
2010年 関西大学
2011年 専修大学
2012年 早稲田大学
2013年 大阪体育大学
2014年 流通経済大学
2015年 関西学院大学
2016年 筑波大学
2017年 流通経済大学

0163薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 22:48:08.20ID:Pgu5T6vX0
The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson transits the South China Sea while
conducting flight operations on April 9, 2017. Landers/Courtesy U.S. Navy/Handout via REUTERS

Most popular: How the Chinese Military Became a Threat to
the U.S. And Russia After Years of Weakness

The fleet also represents the first line of U.S. defense against North Korea, the
totalitarian regime that has vowed to target the American mainland with a
nuclear missile. U.S. naval strike groups recently carried out joint exercises with
Japanese warships in the Philippines as the war rhetoric between Washington
and Pyongyang has continued to intensify.

After a positive meeting between the U.S. president and Chinese President Xi
Jinping at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago golf resort in April, relations between the two
countries have soured. Trump has grown increasingly frustrated with
Beijing’s purported reluctance to rein in North Korea, even following its first-ever
test of an intercontinental ballistic missile on July 4.

Earlier in July, Trump tweeted that trade between China and North Korea had
grown in the first quarter, and seemed to indicate disillusionment with Beijing.
0164薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 22:50:02.38ID:EVh7ArgR0
Justin Bieber atropella a un fotógrafo cuando salía de la iglesia

27 de julio de 2017
Ocurría en la noche del pasado miércoles 26 de julio, el cantante
canadiense salía de la iglesia City Church en Beverly Hills, en las
inmediaciones del bulevar Wilshire y Hamilton Drive (California), y atropelló a un fotógrafo.

Al parecer, según relatan algunos de los testigos
presentes, todo ocurrió rápidamente.

Rápidamente, tanto los allí presentes como el propio Justin,
salieron a socorrer al atropellado que se mantuvo, en todo momento,
consciente aunque tumbado en el suelo con dolores en su pierna.

Tras la llegada de los agentes de policía al lugar, el fotógrafo
era trasladado a un hospital cercano para hacer un estudio mayor de las lesiones.

Aunque no llegó a hacer declaraciones a los medios allí
presentes ni después, vía redes sociales, de lo ocurrido, el
cantante sí que declaró ante los agentes.

Tampoco se dio a la fuga y se mantuvo en todo momento al lado del
fotógrafo accidentado al que acababa de atropellar.

La última hora de lo ocurrido se traduce en la hospitalización del
fotógrafo y la espera de una pronta recuperación del mismo.

0165薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/23(金) 01:10:45.55ID:d/irjjxk0
0166薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/23(金) 01:16:26.65ID:ZdQa9MZX0
まんぬるーー まんクチューー パンパン アヘアヘ
0169薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/23(金) 06:40:29.90ID:8t+80Xrw0
0170薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/23(金) 06:56:14.28ID:ZdQa9MZX0

パッ〜パラ パッパァ〜〜♪手の鳴る方へ〜♪♪
0171薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/23(金) 07:03:09.68ID:ZdQa9MZX0

0172薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/23(金) 13:02:00.16ID:IHvKD1Kn0
0175薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/23(金) 23:01:11.02ID:pego3FHv0
0178薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/24(土) 02:08:16.70ID:uuHlkeH70
Mysterious Girl
"Mysterious Girl" is the second overall single and third
British single from singer-songwriter Peter Andre's second studio album, Natural. The song was written by
Glen Goldsmith, Philip Jackson, Ollie Jacobs and Andre,
and produced by Jacobs. The song features guest
vocals from Caribbean rapper Bubbler Ranx. The song
was first released as a single by Melodian Records in
Australia in September 1995, but was not released in
the United Kingdom until May 1996 due to problems
regarding the administration of Andre's UK record label,
Mushroom Records.

The song reached the top of the charts in New Zealand
and number eight in Australia, and peaked at number
two on the UK Singles Chart. Following a lengthy
campaign on The Chris Moyles Show in 2004,[1] and
Andre's appearance on the British reality show I'm a
Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!, the song was re-
released as the first single from Andre's fourth studio
album, The Long Road Back, peaking at number one in
February 2004.[2][3]
0188薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/24(土) 20:33:04.50ID:DjVzOGmS0

パッ〜パラ パッパァ〜〜♪手の鳴る方へ〜♪♪
0193薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/25(日) 22:49:23.38ID:rs/bOaIB0
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0200薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/26(月) 13:08:41.60ID:EPlf06wm0
0204薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/26(月) 22:40:26.76ID:ll0nn5DL0
0209薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/28(水) 11:10:29.09ID:B3fIwd0X0

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0218薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/28(水) 18:07:54.50ID:Kc+8fkCC0
0221薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/28(水) 20:09:39.29ID:KgtPFPNi0
0223薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/28(水) 21:48:17.88ID:d9CP/jTJ0
0224薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/28(水) 22:14:43.08ID:bzoZnsA60
0235薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/29(木) 20:12:41.22ID:DvhwRsrr0
0240薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/31(土) 13:25:32.03ID:07CjzKWJ0
0255薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/04/03(火) 19:08:52.48ID:5vz7dth80
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