■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0076薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/15(木) 12:37:25.12ID:6LfFndoq0
0078薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/15(木) 14:24:51.89ID:XuXZoXBQ0
0081薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/16(金) 00:27:17.52ID:t09Pb0Yc0
0082薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/16(金) 06:42:17.26ID:4UFVxfRa0

0083薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/16(金) 10:17:17.24ID:51YP3iYv0
0084薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/16(金) 12:54:12.20ID:NA2CIN5J0
0087薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/16(金) 21:46:18.72ID:JsywEF5B0
0089薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/16(金) 22:24:51.05ID:xfDPtW+x0
0091薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/17(土) 00:59:43.30ID:RKH7dEoQ0
It’s long been known that Donald Trump loves his golf. And it’s known he’s very
sensitive about his prowess at the sport.

In the 190 days since be became President, he has spent a minimum of
42 days at his resorts that have golf courses. Once, he called up a reporter
from the New Yorker to berate him for refusing to go along with his claim that
he had completed a round in 71.

Now, it has emerged the White House has stepped in to tweak a transcript of a
briefing from the President’s director of communications, Anthony Scarmucci, to
make it appear that his golf game is better than Mr Scaramucci suggested.

The transcript differed from what Mr Scaramucci said in the briefing room
(White House)
The Daily Dot reported that in his first
briefing, Mr Scaramucci told reporters that Mr Trump was a “very, very” competitive man.

“[Trump] is the most competitive person I have ever met,” he said. “I have seen
him throw a dead spiral [a spinning American football] through a tyre. I’ve
seen him at Madison Square Garden, with a topcoat on, standing in the key
and he’s hitting foul shots and swishing them.”

He added: “He sinks three-foot putts. I don’t see this guy as a guy that's ever
under siege. This is a very, very competitive person.”

The White House transcript of the briefing details what Mr Scaramucci
said word for word, with one exception - that three-foot putt has turned into a thirty-foot putt.

The White House has yet to comment on whether this change to the transcript
was intentional or made in error.
0095薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/18(日) 16:20:30.85ID:rvcPia+e0
0096薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/18(日) 16:20:46.03ID:tcqpQX500
【不斷更新】宜花東明下午停班停課 北北基正常上班上課





彰化縣:正常上班、正常上課。 (除非有臨時性強降雨,會視情況再做宣布)


0097薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/18(日) 16:20:55.73ID:rvcPia+e0
0098薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/18(日) 16:23:29.62ID:tcqpQX500
適当ビジネスニュース報道プロ級世代新社屋TRUMPTOWER左遷「仏」40代監視カメラ使用コンプライアンス速報駐車場 (入社拒否

適当ビジネスニュース報道プロ級世代新社屋TRUMPTOWER左遷「仏」40代監視カメラ使用コンプライアンス速報駐車場 (入社拒否

0099薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/18(日) 16:24:36.64ID:wAc3Abcu0
Devialet, dont le produit phare est l'enceinte Phantom, avec un prix minimum de plus de 1.600 euros,
était jusqu'à présent cantonné sur un marché de niche réservé aux passionnés du son.
La Sky Soundbox sera commercialisée à un prix plus abordable,
soit moins de 300 livres pour les clients de Sky et 799 livres hors abonnement
(340 et 900 euros respectivement).

"Ça fait partie du projet de Devialet depuis dix ans,
on veut devenir le leader mondial du son" et un tel accord "nous permet de démocratiser notre son émouvant et immersif",
explique Quentin Sannié, Pdg de Devialet.

Aujourd'hui, "on a de magnifiques écrans, mais le son des téléviseurs est très mauvais", a-t-il relevé.

Devialet a conclu avec Sky un accord de licence sur le produit final qui intègre ses technologies.
Alors que ses précédents produits étaient fabriqués par le groupe en France,
la fabrication est cette fois-ci déléguée à un sous-traitant.
Pour Sky, qui compte une vingtaine de millions de clients en Europe, cet accord représente un avantage compétitif.

Devialet est en discussion pour d'autres accords de licences,
avec notamment des producteurs de contenus et des constructeurs automobiles.
La société parisienne, fondée en 2007,
s'est fait remarquer l'an dernier avec une levée de fonds record de 100 millions d'euros.
Elle a réalisé en 2016 un chiffre d'affaires de 60 millions d'euros -le double de 2015,
et, espère-t-elle, la moitié de 2017-, et s'est lancée dans un vaste mouvement d'ouverture de points de
0100薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/18(日) 16:26:05.30ID:5Fj9tYdZ0
A California woman who was attacked by a 10-foot great white shark earlier
this year while surfing off the coast of San Diego spoke out about the
harrowing experience for the first time in an exclusive interview with "Good
Morning America," saying she initially did not think it was real life.

"When I saw my leg on the board, that’s the image my mind gave me, was a
cartoon," Leeanne Ericson told ABC News.

Dusty Phillips, Ericson's boyfriend who was in the water with her when she was
bitten, told ABC News, "It wasn’t a test bite. It wasn’t a curious bite. This was an attack bite to kill."

Phillips said it was a "beautiful day" on April 29 when the two decided to go
surfing together at San Onofre Beach, adding that the "sun was shining, dolphins were jumping out of the water."
0101薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/18(日) 16:34:19.36ID:ZTGhC7NS0
0108薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/18(日) 21:58:14.60ID:YjxbDx2k0
0131薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/20(火) 02:44:57.46ID:e+80pl+00
Devialet, dont le produit phare est l'enceinte Phantom, avec un prix minimum de plus de 1.600 euros,
était jusqu'à présent cantonné sur un marché de niche réservé aux passionnés du son.
La Sky Soundbox sera commercialisée à un prix plus abordable,
soit moins de 300 livres pour les clients de Sky et 799 livres hors abonnement
(340 et 900 euros respectivement).

"Ça fait partie du projet de Devialet depuis dix ans,
on veut devenir le leader mondial du son" et un tel accord "nous permet de démocratiser notre son émouvant et immersif",
explique Quentin Sannié, Pdg de Devialet.

Aujourd'hui, "on a de magnifiques écrans, mais le son des téléviseurs est très mauvais", a-t-il relevé.

Devialet a conclu avec Sky un accord de licence sur le produit final qui intègre ses technologies.
Alors que ses précédents produits étaient fabriqués par le groupe en France,
la fabrication est cette fois-ci déléguée à un sous-traitant.
Pour Sky, qui compte une vingtaine de millions de clients en Europe, cet accord représente un avantage compétitif.

Devialet est en discussion pour d'autres accords de licences,
avec notamment des producteurs de contenus et des constructeurs automobiles.
La société parisienne, fondée en 2007,
s'est fait remarquer l'an dernier avec une levée de fonds record de 100 millions d'euros.
Elle a réalisé en 2016 un chiffre d'affaires de 60 millions d'euros -le double de 2015,
et, espère-t-elle, la moitié de 2017-, et s'est lancée dans un vaste mouvement d'ouverture de points de
0133薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/20(火) 12:23:19.49ID:XLhcuohJ0
0137薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/20(火) 19:36:01.31ID:9e8i+eOO0

0139薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/21(水) 20:29:38.79ID:g5zaexiG0
0141薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/21(水) 22:28:18.29ID:g5zaexiG0
0142薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/21(水) 22:30:59.17ID:g5zaexiG0
0143薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/21(水) 22:39:00.37ID:QQXNBby+0
0144薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/21(水) 22:42:29.18ID:JxO2MkGw0
0146薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 00:09:37.75ID:nKQ/uLdd0
Mark MolloyJuly 27, 2017
A former McDonald's employee shared photos he claims show the inside of an ice cream machine - Twitter / @phuckyounick
A former McDonald's employee shared photos he claims show the inside of an ice cream machine - Twitter / @phuckyounick

Teenager Nick, who did not disclose his surname, shared the photos on Twitter, claiming: “This came out of McDonald's ice cream machine in case y'all were wondering…”

This came out of McDonald's ice cream machine in case y'all were wondering... pic.twitter.com/DTXXpzE7Ce

― nick (@phuckyounick) July 14, 2017
This is the side of the ice cream machine! It's not from a grease trap pic.twitter.com/nMpnFxAvZ4

― nick (@phuckyounick) July 17, 2017
The 18-year-old says he worked at a McDonald’s outlet in Louisiana for five months, telling BuzzFeed he posted the photos to let people know “how disgusting the conditions are”.

Nick claims he lost his job shortly after posting the photos “exposing McDonald's”, but tweeted that he already had another one lined up when he decided to post them online.

Since I'm exposing McDonald's I might as well show y'all what y'all really eating... fresh out the freezer. pic.twitter.com/KZ7Ao1kWsR

― nick (@phuckyounick) July 18, 2017
Nice and dirty... pic.twitter.com/vjxuVLJpgF

― nick (@phuckyounick) July 18, 2017
McDonald’s said in a statement the equipment seen in the photos does not come into contact with any food.

“We are committed to running great restaurants that provide our customers with high quality food, service and a clean environment,” a spokesperson said.

“This is a part of our soft serve equipment that does not come into contact with any food and is required to undergo regular and timely cleaning.”

Extraordinary floating McDonald’s restaurant left abandoned for 30 years
How Twitter reacted
0147薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 00:11:30.62ID:RHqkeC/k0
‘If Trump Asked, We’d Nuke China Next Week,’ Says U.S. Navy Fleet Commander
Newsweek • Conor Gaffey • 15 hours ago
Prominent veterans, including Vietnam War veteran John McCain, have
criticized President Donald Trump in the wake of his decision to ban transgender people from serving in the U.S. military.

But the head of the largest fleet in the U.S. Navy, Admiral Scott Swift, was
quick to swear his loyalty to the commander-in-chief Thursday, to the
point that the admiral said he would hypothetically follow the president’s
orders to launch a nuclear missile at China.

“The answer would be: yes,” said Swift, the commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,
when asked a question during an Australian National University security
conference in the Australian capital, Canberra, the AP reported.

Trending: What Happens When You Die? Scientists Say Near-Death Experiences
Share Elements but Vary Widely

Related: China's new undersea drone could leave the U.S. Navy
dead in the water

Swift made no suggestion that any such order had been given, but seemed to
make the remark in the context of underscoring the U.S. military’s oath of
allegiance to whoever holds the office of the president of the United States.
0148薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 01:57:29.88ID:xZf1tgyM0
0152薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 06:49:34.53ID:315GnU9c0
0153薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 06:52:51.31ID:315GnU9c0
0154薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 07:31:49.50ID:TlzdrFoq0
0158薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 16:13:53.28ID:VZ+69a6n0
‘If Trump Asked, We’d Nuke China Next Week,’ Says U.S. Navy Fleet Commander
Newsweek • Conor Gaffey • 15 hours ago
Prominent veterans, including Vietnam War veteran John McCain, have
criticized President Donald Trump in the wake of his decision to ban transgender people from serving in the U.S. military.

But the head of the largest fleet in the U.S. Navy, Admiral Scott Swift, was
quick to swear his loyalty to the commander-in-chief Thursday, to the
point that the admiral said he would hypothetically follow the president’s
orders to launch a nuclear missile at China.

“The answer would be: yes,” said Swift, the commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,
when asked a question during an Australian National University security
conference in the Australian capital, Canberra, the AP reported.

Trending: What Happens When You Die? Scientists Say Near-Death Experiences
Share Elements but Vary Widely

Related: China's new undersea drone could leave the U.S. Navy dead in the water

Swift made no suggestion that any such order had been given, but seemed to
make the remark in the context of underscoring the U.S. military’s oath of
allegiance to whoever holds the office of the president of the United States.
0159薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 16:16:04.54ID:wNlq+9Lm0
Then Vice Admiral Scott Swift, commander of the Japan-based U.S. 7th
Fleet, speaks during the Lowy Institute foreign policy think tank in Sydney on July 16, 2013. SAEED KHAN/AFP/Getty

“Every member of the U.S. military has sworn an oath to defend the
constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and
domestic and to obey the officers and the president of the United States as
commander and chief appointed over us,” he said.

Don't miss: Trump Is Acting Suspicious Because He ‘May Be’ Innocent, Fox News Says

Swift added that loyalty to the president was an important principle of civilian
control over the military, since the president was elected by the U.S.
population. “This is core to the American democracy and any time you
have a military that is moving away from a focus and an allegiance to
civilian control, then we really have a significant problem,” said Swift.

A spokesman for the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Charlie Brown, later said that the
premise of the question was “ridiculous.”

The U.S. Pacific Fleet comprises around 200 ships and submarines, almost 1,100
aircraft and more than 130,000 sailors, seamen and staff. It patrols a massive
100 million-square-mile area, stretching from the West Coast of the United States and into the Indian Ocean.
0160薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 16:17:02.12ID:Qn1HRDKJ0
The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson transits the South China Sea while
conducting flight operations on April 9, 2017. Landers/Courtesy U.S. Navy/Handout via REUTERS

Most popular: How the Chinese Military Became a Threat to the U.S. And Russia After Years of Weakness

The fleet also represents the first line of U.S. defense against North Korea, the
totalitarian regime that has vowed to target the American mainland with a
nuclear missile. U.S. naval strike groups recently carried out joint exercises with
Japanese warships in the Philippines as the war rhetoric between Washington
and Pyongyang has continued to intensify.

After a positive meeting between the U.S. president and Chinese President Xi
Jinping at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago golf resort in April, relations between the two
countries have soured. Trump has grown increasingly frustrated with
Beijing’s purported reluctance to rein in North Korea, even following its first-ever
test of an intercontinental ballistic missile on July 4.

Earlier in July, Trump tweeted that trade between China and North Korea had
grown in the first quarter, and seemed to indicate disillusionment with Beijing.
0161薔薇と百合の名無しさん2018/03/22(木) 17:35:33.70ID:qGO8lLJx0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
