金比羅温泉(浪速区)17 [無断転載禁止]©bbspink.com
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0114薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/22(土) 14:45:16.88ID:t5/2dBv80

0115薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/22(土) 15:46:53.35ID:sjS1DBY70
0116薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/22(土) 21:35:54.15ID:rdESi4oN0
0117薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/23(日) 06:39:21.29ID:BPPsB3R00
0119薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/23(日) 10:30:19.21ID:inYP6RUa0
0120薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/23(日) 20:33:55.33ID:nK3/mdtw0
0121薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/24(月) 20:48:05.18ID:PmffKpk90
0122薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/25(火) 01:53:23.95ID:FIhs1IEl0
0123薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/25(火) 04:37:30.47ID:2N2edZYz0
282 :薔薇と百合の名無しさん [] :2019/06/25(火) 01:53:52.60 ID:2WlruMvq0
0124薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/25(火) 21:14:23.90ID:+oy95zUO0
0125薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/25(火) 23:18:20.80ID:JmwbMDpB0
0126薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/25(火) 23:20:51.81ID:MPxGDyJi0
0130薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/26(水) 05:39:40.82ID:lq/2LO5f0
MPs have fled Ottawa, the federal political news cycle is winding down and our show has started panicking over how to fill

two hours.
It's a time to look back on the sitting that was and review what the government did and didn't do - which pieces of

legislation became law, which ones disappeared into the ether.
Some big stuff passed. Tanker bans, a new process for reviewing pipeline projects, pot pardons, national security laws.

Despite the occasional ping-pong battle between the House and the Senate, at the end of the day it got done. Mostly.
(And in case you're keeping score - the Liberals passed 88 bills during this term, while the previous Tory government passed

122 bills over the course of its last majority mandate.)
Meanwhile, bills that would have mandated sexual assault training for judges,
implemented the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples and banned "unhealthy" food and beverage marketing directed at children failed to cross the finish line.
Are they gone for good? That's where the election comes in.
The chances are that some of the bills that died a painful death will
be resuscitated after the upcoming election campaign. In some cases,
political parties already have pledged to do so.
According to former Conservative Party interim leader Rona Ambrose,
who was behind the bill to make sexual assault training mandatory for federally-appointed judges,
the Liberals, Conservatives, New Democrats and Greens have all
promised to re-introduce her bill as government legislation, should they form the next government.
Politically, that isn't surprising. Ambrose's bill passed unanimously in the House of Commons.
It then headed to the Senate where it sat for two years and ultimately fell victim to
Senate shenanigans. (We could have a long discussion about said shenanigans and
0131薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/26(水) 05:40:08.96ID:lq/2LO5f0
the efficacy of the Senate, but I'll save that gem for another edition of this newsletter.)
The UNDRIP bill is another big one. This was a private member's bill, sponsored
by NDP MP Romeo Saganash. It would have aimed to harmonize federal laws with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of

Indigenous Peoples.
The bill was hotly contested in the Senate because of a provision that
calls on states to obtain "free, prior and informed consent" before approving activity on
Indigenous land, including natural resources extraction.
Conservative senators said they feared the bill would amount to an Indigenous veto over major resour
"Regardless if youre a municipal, provincial or federal government,
we all have that obligation to our veterans. And, unfortunately,
Deer Lodge Centre is not living up to that obligation to our veterans."
Deer Lodge's chief operating officer, Kevin Scott, said some "efficiencies"
were implemented last fall to reflect the declining number of veterans in
the health centre, which the federal government transferred to the province in 1983.
While the province provides Deer Lodge funding for all of 400-odd patients, the federal
government gives the health centre additional funding on a per diem basis for additional
services for each of the 60 Second World War and Korean War veterans at the centre.
However, the centre's funding agreement with Veterans Affairs Canada was originally
set up for 155 veterans, said Scott, "and so the funding was being adjusted accordingly
to match the number of veterans in beds."
0132薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/26(水) 05:41:25.30ID:lq/2LO5f0
"So each individual veteran, the funding is still the same.
It's the total number of veterans that we are adjusting the staffing to match that."
While those adjustments resulted in an overall reduction in staff for recreational
programs, food services and porters, Scott said individual veterans have not been
directly impacted and have actually seen increased care.
"The investigation needs to deal with the level of care that is being provided to veterans,
" she said, "Because it's not the quality of care that our veterans deserve and we as
Canadians are obligated to ensure our veterans are taken care of properly."
MacAulay's spokesman Alex Wellstead said the government takes all concerns about
veterans' wellbeing seriously and is looking into the union's complaint about Deer Lodge.
"We expect all provincial facilities to deliver support to veterans in line with the
agreements the department has with those facilities," Wellstead said in an email.
"If any veteran is not receiving the support they deserve, we will always look intothe matter to ensure they do."
Deer Lodge is the second former Veterans Affairs health centre to come under the microscope over allegations
of declining care in recent months after a class-action lawsuit was
launched against Ste. Anne's Hospital in Quebec last year.
A Quebec Superior Court judge in February authorized the class-action claim,
which alleges the level of care and services have dropped at the Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue
institution since it was transferred from federal to provincial control in April 2016.
The suit contends the handover saw staff levels cut by 40 per cent.
The shortfall was made up by part-time employees which resulted in a constant lack of personnel, the suit says.
0133薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/26(水) 05:50:07.55ID:hU7gXpcG0
government gives the health centre additional funding on a per diem basis for additional
services for each of the 60 Second World War and Korean War veterans at the centre.
However, the centre's funding agreement with Veterans Affairs Canada was originally
set up for 155 veterans, said Scott, "and so the funding was being adjusted accordingly
to match the number of veterans in beds."
Scott, said some "efficiencies"
were implemented last fall to reflect the declining number of veterans in
the health centre, which the federal government transferred to the province in 1983.
While the province provides Deer Lodge funding for all of 400-odd patients, the federal
government gives the health centre additional funding on a per diem basis for additional
0134薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/26(水) 07:58:39.73ID:1WBoOUax0
0135薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/26(水) 11:40:39.07ID:simEh2fg0
0136薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/26(水) 18:52:02.91ID:bnL6BC4h0
0137薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/26(水) 20:50:11.24ID:oG005UyP0
0138薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/27(木) 13:59:13.87ID:wZA8B5rn0
0139薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/27(木) 18:44:58.23ID:V4gY90yc0
0140薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/27(木) 18:56:30.09ID:H0iGzCHa0
0141薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/27(木) 23:56:28.04ID:f/duL7Ar0
0142薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/28(金) 03:57:56.95ID:4Pi65haH0
0143薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/28(金) 04:19:57.10ID:+47Rf+O30
0144薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/28(金) 15:32:55.57ID:IM56jUj60
0145薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/28(金) 17:46:30.36ID:RV1d/ANu0
0146薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/28(金) 17:47:16.60ID:RV1d/ANu0
0151薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/28(金) 23:23:39.71ID:cjz0l9mg0
0152薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/28(金) 23:59:43.75ID:yeDDyuXv0
0153薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/29(土) 18:34:52.99ID:VvTsim+u0
足ふきマットは水虫菌の森 ロッカーはダニの巣
0155薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/06/29(土) 19:47:54.27ID:o5CIM5Tc0
てか、持って帰ってるやつ 返しなさいよ!
0156薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/01(月) 10:56:34.54ID:xy/Pwylo0

0157薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/01(月) 12:07:36.17ID:PkUIL/yR0
0158薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/01(月) 15:14:48.96ID:jQ39fbhY0
0159薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/01(月) 15:15:52.98ID:jQ39fbhY0
0161薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/01(月) 23:25:18.25ID:UPmtqZdF0
0164薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/02(火) 22:07:50.44ID:pU0GwkSp0
0165薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/04(木) 18:49:07.17ID:DpSbNd9g0
0168薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/06(土) 11:01:04.47ID:ZWKBbwuG0
0169薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/06(土) 14:29:17.66ID:dPKGYp2R0
0171薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/06(土) 18:14:16.55ID:AUp7pZpG0
0173薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/07(日) 00:20:58.56ID:X+NKYhQE0
0174薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/07(日) 00:59:21.60ID:oKIWjVVM0
0176薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/07(日) 01:31:01.61ID:C/AjJjou0
0177薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/07(日) 02:30:34.75ID:9Yi+4bVa0
0179薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/07(日) 02:42:15.70ID:yZ8tbAzC0
0182薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/07(日) 18:26:39.36ID:pOGd3cRd0
0183薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/07(日) 18:51:49.09ID:oKIWjVVM0
0184薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/07(日) 18:56:31.29ID:r3EuPGAj0
0185薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/07(日) 19:06:03.98ID:pOGd3cRd0

0186薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/07(日) 19:26:07.89ID:CBUOeNr80
男 温泉画像@
0187薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/07(日) 19:26:59.69ID:CBUOeNr80
0188薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/07(日) 19:50:28.28ID:8FazROHb0

0189薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/07(日) 21:46:50.62ID:C/AjJjou0
0190薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/07(日) 22:11:35.70ID:oIRWVE6m0
0192薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/08(月) 18:32:05.59ID:xHJ+aNTP0
“If they’re going into a halfway house or going into a parole situation, those with
whom they’re staying will go to great lengths to try and make sure that their health-care
In comments carried by Iran's Fars News Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Abbas Mousavi said the
gathering in the Austrian capital on Friday was an opportunity to see how those still party to the 2015
agreement could "meet their commitments towards Iran".Concerns abound the deal will collapse after the United States unilaterally withdrew from the accord a year ago and reimposed punishing sanctions on Iran. Fears remain that an
Iran-US conflict could break out after a US drone was shot down last week and US President Donald Trump called off retaliatory attacks at the last minute. Mousavi said despite supporting Iran in several statements, the remaining
signatories - the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China and Russia - failed to take any action to shield its faltering economy from US sanctions.Tehran has threatened to breach the limit of its stockpile of low-enriched uranium mandated
under the deal in retaliation to the US approach, which has also seen Trump attempt to choke Iranian oil exports amid
a spiralling war of words between Washington and Tehran over multiple flashpoints in the Middle East.
"We will sanction any imports of Iranian crude oil... There are right now no oil waivers in place," Brian Hook,
the US envoy on Iran, told reporters in London. "We will sanction any illicit purchases of Iranian crude oil."
Hook said Washington was on track to deprive Tehran of $50bn in oil revenues, and told European companies to
choose between doing business with the United States or Iran.The US will study reports of Iranian crude
clandestinely going to China, Hook added. Amid falling revenues and in a bid to rescue
0193薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/08(月) 18:32:55.31ID:xHJ+aNTP0
Sudan's military rejects Ethiopia's transition proposal"If the 2020 elections go ahead as planned,
ethnonationalist parties are likely to be dominant," he told Al Jazeera, calling for broad nationwide
discussions in a bid to harmonise the intense ethnonational sentiment across the country and maintain Ethiopia's
national character."With pan-Ethiopian parties seemingly having weak support, Ethiopia
needs to have a debate on the broader meaning of democracy and tolerance of differing opinions
that has deeper meaning than holding elections," Costantinos said.The federal government also
seems to be slowly ending its days-long internet blackout which came into force in the wake of Saturday's coup
attempt.The government has so far refrained from commenting on the latest internet blackout.
Costantinos said the killings of senior officials and army generals warranted a robust government response
to deter any power-grab attempts in the future, but warned against using the arrests as score-settling mechanisms.
"Ethiopia had lost around one million people through purges and civil wars in the 1970s to early 1990s during
the period of the military regime that ruled Ethiopia from 1974 to 1991," he said."The country can't afford
any repeat of past turbulence."A meeting in Vienna among the remaining signatories of the embattled nucleardeal
between Tehran and world powers may be the "last chance" to save the historic accord, Iran has warned.
The head of the John Howard Society of Canada, a group that advocates for an “effective,
just and humane” criminal justice system, says inmates are sometimes released without a
provincial health-care card and only a few weeks worth of medication.
several other senior officials.The government referred to the attack in Bahir Dar as a coup attempt
orchestrated by former General Asamnew Tsige. Asamnew was killed by security forces on Monday.
0194薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/08(月) 18:33:40.01ID:xHJ+aNTP0
of the 70s to 90s", but it must not breach its constitution," he said, noting he was well-versed with it.
Abiy Ahmed said on Friday on Twitter that 212 suspects had been apprehended in connection with the June 22
coup bid in the region of Amhara, with 43 others held in the capital, Addis Ababa.
The investigations were "still ongoing with potential for more arrests", it added.The statement
came amid reports that Christian Tadele, spokesman of the National Movement of Amhara (NAMA), an ethnocentric
opposition party that has become increasingly popular with many Amhara people, was also arrested.
Speaking to Al Jazeera on Thursday, Christian had accused authorities of engaging in mass arrests
of the party's supporters and sympathisers."Fifty-six NAMA members have been arrested in Addis
Ababa with dozens of other members and supporters arrested in other parts of Ethiopia, in an
orchestrated attack not only on NAMA, but the Amhara nation as a whole," Christian had said.
Ethiopians have been in shock since two separate attacks on Saturday in Amhara's regional capital
of Bahir Dar and Addis baba killed the region's president, the national army chief of staff and
several other senior officials.The government referred to the attack in Bahir Dar as a coup attempt
orchestrated by former General Asamnew Tsige. Asamnew was killed by security forces on Monday.
Despite the apparent failure of the coup attempt, analysts say Abiy's government will likely find
it difficult to control ethnonational forces in the country ahead of national elections nex
t year.Costantinos Berhutesfa Costantinos, an Ethiopian adviser to international organisations
including the African Union, said the country was at a critical juncture.
0195薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/08(月) 18:38:15.07ID:I4Dy8QhI0
and maintain Ethiopia's
national character."With pan-Ethiopian parties seemingly having weak support, Ethiopia
needs to have a debate on the broader meaning of democracy and tolerance of differing opinions
choke Iranian oil exports amid
a spiralling war of words between Washington and Tehran over multiple flashpoints in the Middle East.
"We will sanction any imports of Iranian crude oil... There are right now no oil waivers in place," Brian Hook,
the US envoy on Iran, told reporters in London. "We will sanction any illicit purchases of Iranian crude oil."
Hook said Washington was on track to deprive Tehran of $50bn in oil revenues, and told European companies to
Sudan's military rejects Ethiopia's transition proposal"If the 2020 elections go ahead as planned,
ethnonationalist parties are likely to be dominant," he told Al Jazeera, calling for broad nationwide
discussions in a bid to harmonise the intense ethnonational sentiment across the country and maintain Ethiopia's
national character."With pan-Ethiopian parties seemingly having weak support, Ethiopia
needs to have a debate on the broader meaning of democracy and tolerance of differing opinions
that has deeper meaning than holding elections," Costantinos said.The federal government also
seems to be slowly ending its days-long internet blackout which came into force in the wake of Saturday's coup
attempt.The government has so far refrained from commenting on the latest internet blackout.
Costantinos said the killings of senior officials and army generals warranted a robust government response
to deter any power-grab attempts in the future, but warned against using the arrests as score-settling mechanisms
0196薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/08(月) 18:39:07.95ID:I4Dy8QhI0
Ethiopia had lost around one million people through purges and civil wars in the 1970s to early 1990s during
the period of the military regime that ruled Ethiopia from 1974 to 1991," he said."The country can't afford
any repeat of past turbulence."A meeting in Vienna among the remaining signatories of the embattled nucleardeal
between Tehran and world powers may be the "last chance" to save the historic accord, Iran has warned.
The head of the John Howard Society of Canada, a group that advocates for an “effective,
just and humane” criminal justice system, says inmates are sometimes released without a
provincial health-care card and only a few weeks worth of medication.
several other senior officials.The government referred to the attack in Bahir Dar as a coup attempt
orchestrated by former General Asamnew Tsige. Asamnew was killed by security forces on Monday.
0198薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/09(火) 10:47:30.35ID:PrZdaIuZ0
0200薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/09(火) 15:34:46.85ID:NmqwpK+G0
0203薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/09(火) 22:42:15.22ID:wkI8kKEK0

0204薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/09(火) 22:49:49.34ID:Zt+c5guM0
立憲民主党って聞いたら毎回リッケンバッカー思い出してまう  立憲バカ
0205薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/09(火) 23:23:01.84ID:wkI8kKEK0
0206薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/09(火) 23:45:05.54ID:qw3/hRIP0
0210薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/10(水) 22:43:06.98ID:sX0eJ0sQ0
0212薔薇と百合の名無しさん2019/07/11(木) 03:02:15.91ID:bVkquNxG0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
